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Health and Medical

Our Nuchal Translucency screening program

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Our Nuchal Translucency screening program performed at the 11th to 14th week of pregnancy is fully accredited by the Fetal Medicine Foundation.


Every foetus has a layer of fluid along the back of their neck. The thickness of this fluid can be measured during an ultrasound scan at this early stage of pregnancy. This measurement can be used to determine whether the baby is at increased risk of major chromosomal abnormalities such as Down Syndrome.

Chromosomes contain the DNA that make up each person’s genetic blueprint. Sometimes the number or the arrangement of these chromosomes are abnormal, and can result in various syndromes. The most common of these chromosomal abnormalities is Down Syndrome. A chromosome problem is possible in ANY pregnancy. Although the risk increases with age, the vast majority still occur under the age of 35, as this age group have 90% of all babies.

Preparing for a Nuchal Translucency scan

Please bring your referral (letter from your doctor) and your Medicare and/or Pension Health care card with you to your appointment. It is important to bring all previous imaging and reports relating to your pregnancy. Please be on time for your appointment to ensure there is sufficient time to perform the procedure.

To ensure clear images, you will be asked to attend with a full bladder. This is achieved by emptying your bladder 2 hours before your appointment and then immediately drinking 600ml of water. Do not empty your bladder again before the procedure. You may eat normally and take any necessary şirinevler escort kadın medication.


The ultrasound waves are transmitted and collected via a hand held probe which is moved over the abdomen. You will not feel any pain or discomfort.

Your procedure will take approximately 30 minutes.

We use the Nuchal Translucency measurement obtained from the ultrasound scan, and combine it with other information such as the mother’s age and the results of a simple blood test, to calculate a risk estimate. The detection rate for Down Syndrome is 85–90% when all this information is combined.

If there are chromosomal abnormalities, the levels of these chemicals can give us an indication of a potential problem.


The results of your Nuchal Translucency scan will usually be ready in 4–5 working days. We strongly advise that you return to your referring doctor, in order to discuss your Nuchal Translucency report.

These injections deliver powerful medications directly to the area that is the source of the pain and are usually much more effective than tablets.


Should I have this Prenatal testing?
This is a personal and individual decision. A screening test assesses risk — it does not definitively confirm or exclude the presence of an abnormality.

What does a low risk result mean?
A calculated risk of less than 1 in 300 (for example 1 in 1000) suggests a low risk. As this is a screening test, it is important to understand that a LOW risk is not the same as NO risk.

What does a high risk result mean?
The woman will need to discuss with her doctor whether to proceed on to have further prenatal investigations (such as amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling).

What are the benefits of a Nuchal Translucency scan?

  • Non-invasive screening test for chromosomal abnormality with a high detection rate
  • Accurate dating of the pregnancy
  • Diagnosis of twin or multiple pregnancies
  • Diagnosis of early pregnancy failure
  • Assessment of early structural development of the baby

Can I eat before having a Nuchal Translucency ultrasound?
You can eat before your ultrasound. You are required to have a full bladder. It is necessary to drink 600–800ml of water two hours prior to the scan and refrain from going to the toilet before the scan.

Can I have a female sonographer/technician to perform the scan?
Yes, please let reception know when making your appointment. We have female radiographers and sonographers sensitive to the needs of female patients.

Is this test safe for my baby?
There is NO radiation with an ultrasound examination.

Will the sonographer performing my scan tell me what’s wrong?
It is the sonographer’s duty to perform the test and ensure the images are of high quality for the radiologist (specialist) to interpret them.

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