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5 Easy Ways To Avoid Credit Card Scams

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Credit cards are undoubtedly one of the most convenient ways to make purchases. For years, we’ve been using them to buy (and sometimes sell) goods and services online. But now, with credit card scams at their peak, credit card fraud is a growing problem. Falling prey to identity theft or credit fraud is a very serious situation in which you may be subjected to illegal charges and huge bills. And if your credit card balance keeps going up, your credit score may suffer. In cases like these, you may require the assistance of a credit repair company to get your credit score back to normal.

Thankfully, there are ways to safeguard your credit card information from fraudsters. Let’s have a look at them.

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How To Avoid Credit Card Scams?

There are various ways scammers can try and steal your information. Sometimes, just being aware of what to watch for can help you make better decisions and keep you from falling victim to credit card scam(s). Let’s look at some simple ways to prevent fraud.

  • Avoid Using Unsecure Sites

The first step to take is to steer clear of unsecured sites. Think carefully before buying anything from a website that looks suspicious, and try to avoid websites that don’t offer a secure payment facility.

Be aware of the potential risks of using online payment services that require your card details. And let’s be honest, if a business isn’t offering data security for its customers, it doesn’t deserve your business.

  • Monitor Your Credit History Closely

If you aren’t used to checking your credit history, it’s time you start doing so. You need to review your reports annually to ensure all is in order. You’ll want to make sure all the data in your report is accurate. If you spot an error, there’s a chance it’ll hurt your credit score.

You’ll also want to ensure that you don’t see any new account(s) in your name. If you do, this is a sign of credit card fraud and possible identity theft, and you’ll have to report the fraud as soon as possible.

  • Don’t Save Your Credit Information Online

This is one thing you have to stop doing. Even with security measures in place, there’s still the possibility of a data breach, putting you at risk of your card information being stolen and used for fraudulent purchases. Make it a habit of typing in your account number when making a purchase. It’s an effective way to decrease your fraud risk.

  • Never Disclose Your Credit Card Info Over The Phone

If you need to make a payment or donate to a charity, do it online via a secure payment method or call the organization directly. But, never give your credit card details over the phone. By doing this, you are attracting scammers who will try to gain access to your information over the phone if they impersonate another institution.

  • If Your Credit Card Gets Lost Or Stolen, Set Up A Credit Freeze

Your credit card is a valuable asset that can be easily misused. So, if you lose your credit card or get stolen, contact your bank immediately and set up a fraud alert.

A fraud alert or credit freeze prevents creditors from accessing your credit record, making it more difficult for a scammer to create new lines of credit in your name.

To Conclude

While heeding the above points may boost your credit security, no one can exactly be “fraud-proof.” As technology becomes smarter, so do the criminals. But, maintaining track of your accounts and acting quickly if you see a strange activity in your account are some of the best to avoid the trouble of dealing with credit fraud.

If you ever find yourself struggling with credit fraud and need help fixing your credit score, you may contact Gifted Tax Services for all your credit repair needs.

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